Pathways to Registration
In Western Australia, the Architects Act 2004 requires that any person carrying out the practice of architecture under the title of “Architect” is to be registered with the Architects Board of Western Australia.
In Western Australia, there are three pathways to registration. Which pathway an applicant takes depends on whether the applicant possesses a professional qualification in architecture or not, and if the professional qualification is from an accredited course or not.
To find out more about becoming a registered architect in Western Australia, click here.
Applying for Registration
Pursuant to the Architects Act 2004, architects in Western Australia are registered either in Division 1 (also known as the Practising Division) or Division 2 (also known as the Non-Practising Division).
The Practising Division is for architects that are currently practising architecture in Western Australia. As a condition of registration, architects in the practising division are required to be covered by at least $1 million of professional indemnity insurance and undertake continuing professional development to ensure their knowledge, skills and competence are up to date.
The Non-Practising Division is for architects that do not practise architecture in Western Australia. Non-practising architects are retired, academics, interstate or overseas, on extended leave or are not currently practising architecture. Non-practising architects are not required to have professional indemnity insurance or to undertake CPD. Generally, the Board will not accept an application for initial registration in the Non-Practising Division.
If you wish to apply for registration as a practising architect in Western Australia, have passed the Architectural Practice Exam, and have never been registered in Australia or New Zealand, download a Registration Form here.
If you are already registered in Queensland or in New Zealand, and now wish to be registered in Western Australia, download a Mutual Recognition Registration Form here.
Automatic Mutual Recognition: If you are currently registered in another State or Territory of Australia (besides Queensland) and wish to notify the Architects Board of WA of intention to practice in WA under Automatic Mutual Recognition, please complete the form here.
Annual Registration Renewal
Registration with the Board must be renewed annually. Pursuant to the Architects Act 2004, the annual registration period runs from 1 July to 30 June, with registration fees for that year due by 30 September.
Annual Registration renewal fees are $300.00 for Practising architects and $130.00 for Non-Practising architects.
In July each year, every architect will receive an email from the Board with a link to complete, and pay for, their registration renewal online.
Failure to pay renewal fees by 30 September will result in removal from the register.
Transferring Between Divisions
Pursuant to the Architects Act 2004, architects in Western Australia are registered either in Division 1 (also known as the Practising Division) or Division 2 (also known as the Non-Practising Division).
The Practising Division is for architects that are currently practising architecture in Western Australia. As a condition of registration, architects in the practising division are required to be covered by at least $1 million of professional indemnity insurance and undertake continuing professional development to ensure their knowledge, skills and competence are up to date.
The Non-Practising Division is for architects that do not practise architecture in Western Australia. Non-practising architects are retired, academics, interstate or overseas, on extended leave or are not currently practising architecture. Non-practising architects are not required to have professional indemnity insurance or to undertake CPD. Generally, the Board will not accept an application for initial registration in the Non-Practising Division.
Architects can move between the two Divisions, depending on their current circumstances.
When an architect wishes to transfer from the Non-Practising Division to the Practising Division of the register, the Board will consider its Assessment Guidelines in order to determine if a person’s level of knowledge, skill and competence is at an appropriate level.
Architects considering moving from the Practising Division to the Non-Practising division should also consider these Guidelines if they intend to move back to the Practising division at some time in the future.
Once an architect has transferred from the Non-Practising division to the Practising Division, a compulsory audit of their Continuing Professional Development activities will occur as part of the subsequent renewal of registration process.
If you wish to apply to restore to the Practising Division, please click here for the relevant Form.
Trading Names
Whenever a registered architect seeks to carry on the practice of architecture under any name other than the name recorded in the register, the architect must apply to the Board for approval of a trading name.
Please click here for the Board’s Trading Name Approval Form.
Resigning from the Register
In July each year, every architect will receive an email from the Board asking them to renew their registration. An architect who wishes to resign from the register should note their intention to resign on their renewal prior to 30 September rather than simply letting their registration lapse.
If your registration does lapse, your name will be removed from the register for non-payment and if this occurs, and at some time in the future you wish to re-register with the Board, you will be required to pay all fees that would be in arrears as if you had continued to be registered.
By contrast, an architect that resigns from the register and then wishes to re-register in the future will not be required to pay any back fees.
If you wish to resign your registration at ant time outside of the renewal period, simply contact the Board’s offices.
Restoring to the Practising Division
When re-entering the Practising Division of the register, the Board will consider its Assessment Guidelines in order to determine if a person’s level of knowledge, skill and competence is at an appropriate level. The Assessment Guidelines apply in the following circumstances:
- moving from the Non-Practising Division to the Practising Division; and
- restoring to the Register after a period of absence.
Once an architect has transferred from the Non-Practising division, or a period off the Register, to the Practising Division, a compulsory audit of their Continuing Professional Development activities will occur as part of the subsequent renewal of registration process.
If you wish to apply to restore to the Practising Division, please click here for the relevant Form.
Restoring to the Non-Practising Division
Non-practising architects do not require professional indemnity insurance and do not need to undertake continuing professional development activities. If you wish to restore, or transfer, to the Non-Practising Division, please click here for the relevant Form.
Note that if you intend to transfer back to the Practising Division of the Register in the future, the Board may ask you to present evidence of your continuing professional development activities.
Update Your Details
Registered architects must inform the Board of any of the following circumstances:
- change of name;
- change of contact details;
- change in practising status;
- loss of qualifications; or
- change in insurance cover.
To update your details, download a Notification of Change of Recorded Details Form here.